Papers, 1919-1969 (bulk 1948-1969). 1919-1969.


Papers, 1919-1969 (bulk 1948-1969). 1919-1969.

The collection consists of several volumes of minutes from the Iowa Commission on Children and Youth and its committees; materials related to the 1950 and 1960 White House conferences on Children and Youth; correspondence (1948-1964) dealing with the Commission and Iowa migrant labor issues; materials (committee reports, conference reports, miscellaneous publications, newspaper clippings) related to juvenile delinquency and migrant labor; professional membership materials from the National Association of Social Workers; notes from classes in taken at the University of Chicago (1936-1937); memorabilia from the University of Iowa (1919-1923); and a Charles City High School scrapbook.

3 linear ft. (8 boxes)

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